Saturday, February 26, 2011


Family movies have been missing from the scene since December. Not one theatrical release during the entire month of January was awarded the Dove Family Approved seal.  Finally, beginning on February 11th we see a delightful resurgence of films for various members of the family; from animated children’s features to educational documentaries, and from exciting action adventures to inspiring dramas. If Hollywood fails to serve the family audience, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Hollywood is not about “Show Art” it’s about “Show Business.” To borrow from the famous quote from Field of Dreams, “If they build it, we will come, and likewise, if we come, they will build more. At the box office, it’s okay to vote early and vote often. So, enjoy these family films!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Note to Filmmakers

Over the past several years we have been consulting with filmmakers at various stages of their craft. I feel it is important to address one particular issue that comes up frequently, especially from those who are just starting out, or those who have had a hard time getting their finished film to market. The common question is, “What must I do to make a financially successful movie?”
There are plenty of experts available to answer this crucial question. I don’t consider myself among them. But after 20 years of watching thousands of projects come through our offices, my observations might be of some value.
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