There have been a great many attempts to write and produce a good faith-friendly movie. The mainstream studios have often missed the mark by adding gratuitous language, which otherwise ruins a warm inspirational story that families would love to see.

Which begs the question; Can a PG-13 movie be "family friendly?"

THE BLIND SIDE is, in my opinion, the best mainstream family movie of far.
Discerning families enjoy the same types of entertainment as anyone else. There’s nothing like a good comedy, drama, action/adventure or even thriller. It’s just that most of us don’t want to be assaulted by globs of blood, gore, cursing, on-screen sex, naked bodies and other unnecessary abhorrent junk.
Some lazy filmmakers will argue that sex or violence or obscene language is necessary to properly characterize the bad guys, or the struggles their heroes must endure to punctuate their overcoming of adversities. In the words of Ebenezer Scrooge, “Bah, Humbug!” That argument is a red herring. To support that case, one would have to discount every movie made prior to 1968 when there were standards of decency in place for mainstream films. So now what? “The Maltese Falcon” disappears from the scene. Throw a rock through “Rear Window?” Send “The African Queen” up the river? Declare “Citizen Kane” an illegal alien? Bomb “Casablanca ?” I could go on.
According to the American Film Institute, 61 of the top 100 films of all time were produced prior to 1968, the year the first R-rated movie was released. Hmmm, makes you think doesn’t it?