Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Making Movies in Michigan

Here's a link to a magazine we published to call attention to the Michigan Film Production Incentive package. It offers up to 42% rebate on all qualified expenses by any filmmakers who shoot their projects in Michigan.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Succeed in Filmmaking, or "The Field of Dreams" is a lie

I usually reserve this column for discerning moviegoers. However, over the past several years we have been consulting with scores of filmmakers at various stages of their craft. I feel it is important to address one particular issue that comes up frequently, especially from those who are just starting out, or those who have had a hard time getting their finished film to market. The common question is, “What must I do to make a financially successful movie?”

There are plenty of experts available to answer this crucial question. I don’t consider myself among them. But after 18 years of watching thousands of projects come through our offices, my observations might be of some value.

My advice begins with the axiom; the bottom line is still the bottom line. Do your due diligence before you roll out the cameras. This is not a Field of Dreams world. You can build it and still no one will come if you haven’t done your homework. After all, it’s not called Show Art…it’s Show Business. (more)