Monday, April 6, 2009

30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family

A survival guide for every parent of a child from birth to graduation!

Rebecca Hagelin is a noted expert, public speaker and commentator on family issues and parenting. She has championed the pro-family message in Washington DC and around the nation for the past 25 years. She is a senior fellow for The Heritage Foundation and appears frequently on FOX, CNN, and CBN as a culture and media analyst.

Rebecca penned her insightful, how-to book, 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family for parents who are struggling to raise their kids in this high-tech, media-dominated world where young people are bombarded with powerful messages that do not reflect their families’ values. (more)

Crystal Dove Seal trophies given Hollywood execs

Best Family Movies of 2008 Receive Crystal Dove Seal Awards

April 1, 2009 (Grand Rapids, MI) - The Dove Foundation announced today the winners of the CRYSTAL DOVE SEAL, an award designed to highlight Hollywood’s film-making achievements for the vast and diverse family audience. The CRYSTAL DOVE SEAL pays special tribute to those companies that have demonstrated increased awareness in the value of providing the huge family audience with more appropriate choices.

Dove posted a ballot on its website at during the month of February inviting visitors to cast a vote for their favorite Dove Approved movies in seven categories, Comedy, Drama, Action/Adventure, Animated Feature, Documentary, Musical, and Limited Release. Thousands of online voters selected the “best of the best” Dove Family-Approved movies for 2008.

Dove Foundation co-founder and CEO, Dick Rolfe just returned from Los Angeles where he presented the solid crystal trophies for this year's winners. “These outstanding films represent the highest examples of quality storytelling combined with positive values that most Americans hold dear,” Rolfe said.